Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers introduced a new program this week called Points Plus. It has some changes from the old plan. You get a higher points allowance and more weekly points, but many foods are also higher points. However, basically all fruits and veggies are now 0 points. Also, instead of calculating points values based on calories, fat, and fiber, they calculate Points Plus values based on protein, carbs, fat, and fiber. If any of you are interested in learning more about the new program, let me know soon. The only way to find food points now is to buy their books, to pay for the online tracker, or to buy a points calculator - no more slide rules. But they are having a sale on the calculators, so I can get you one for $6 if you let me know soon.
Good luck in your own fitness journey!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Loosen the Pants

Well, after that Thanksgiving week, I feel like I need to loosen my pants a bit! I want to get back on track this week, so:
daily water updates (it makes a HUGE difference to me!)
weekly tracker to Lisa - feel free to bug me about it!

Thanks for being supportive, family!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Weekly Goal

This time it's Lisa's turn - I will send my tracker to you at the end of this week. I also need to keep posting about my water because it really helps me. Thanks for keeping me accountable, family!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hi, Jillian!

This week Jillian Michaels and I are going to spend quality time together. We'll be working out each morning for about 20 minutes during the 30-Day Shred DVD.

Go, us.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Weekly Committment

It really helped me to send my tracker to Emily, so I'm just going to keep picking on family members. This week, I will track EVERYTHING I eat and mail my tracker to the Blakes.

Also, my water consumption has gone seriously down, and I notice that I tend to over-eat a lot more when I am thirsty, so I will track my daily water and add it as a comment on here each day. I'm shooting for at least 6 cups a day, although 8 would be even better for me!

Thanks for keeping me accountable, guys!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Goals again!

I did great for a couple of weeks at going to bed early. But then it started sliding.

So, this week, after staying up to go to Wal-Mart at midnight for costumes, I'll be going to bed earlier. I just have more energy to exercise and eat right when I sleep better!!

Grr... Weight Watchers... Grr...

Well, if you ever (as I did) do Weight Watchers Online (which I do suggest) and then try to switch to do a Monthly Pass so that you can get a hard copy of the materials, just beware: nothing you did online will count at the actual meeting location you choose. Apparently the Online program is a completely separate entity than any place that is franchised around here.

So, that means, according to the AF WW, I just started this week, and that my total weight loss (at least until I weigh in again tomorrow) is a grand 0. So I really just want to lose weight to rub it in their face for as long as I'm a member (which will only be a month more). It's actually a good motivation - this week I lost another 2 pounds!

So there, Weight Watchers. I've gone around your system and I've lost 25 pounds on my own and I will still lose the rest of the weight I need to without going to your meetings. Pooh.

(Although, I still will use your pointal materials - thanks!)